Baby Noah expected tomorrow! !!

So, this has been a crazy 38th- 9th week of pregnancy!  I’ve been to the hospital, admitted, dilated to 4 and labor stopped. What ???? Funny, it’s like dejavu? With Sophie all over again. Lol I am nervous and afraid…I admit it, labor always does that to me. However, I am leaning on Jesus and my husband for strength. Where would I be without them?

Induction scheduled for tomorrow.  Prayers are appreciated.  It’s funny how I always feel desperate for our kids to know how much I love them before a new little one comes along. Tonight, I can’t believe Sophie May is only going to be the baby for one more day. Bittersweet. 

A million things running through my mind and I am so unbelievably tired yet I can’t sleep….Praying for peace.


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