notes to myself

*don’t fall down on the job. no matter how tempting, jusy don’t. No one can replace Mommy and the mess that occurs is just not worth it. Take a hot bath, write, eat something comforting and get after it. the Bible and the book ‘Desperate’…by Sarah Mae, helps.

*Been answering a lot of hard questions about myself lately. i don’t like a lot of the answerdetail later.

*my life is not what i thought it would be. its better.


Menu Plan


Breakfast: Peanut butter & bananas, oatmeal

Lunch: tacos

Supper: Chicken chow mein


Breakfast: Blueberry pancakes, bacon

Lunch: Pasta & sauce

Supper: Pork Loin, Mashed potatoes, green beans, strawberry shortcake (Birthday supper for SoMay)


Breakfast: Crockpot Baked Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

Lunch: Chicken Spaghetti

Supper: Chicken & dressing, green beans, sweet potato pie


Breakfast:Banana nut bread

Lunch: Italian beef roast sandwiches

Supper: Breakfast for supper


Breakfast: Breakfast burritos

Lunch: Chicken pasta

Supper: Homemade pizza


I hope & pray that I stick to these this week! Thanks for dropping by!









Menu planning for next week:

Menu Planning…


Breakfast: pumpkin bread, milk
Lunch: tuna salad, oranges
Supper: Creamy Italian chicken, noodles, baked sweet potatoes

Breakfast: oatmeal
Lunch: PBJ
Supper: tacos

Breakfast: breakfast burritos
Lunch: tacos
Supper: baked potatoes with ground beef, brown gravy and onions, topped with sour cream, green beans

Breakfast:banana nut bread
Lunch: PBJ
Supper:BBQ pork on buns, coleslaw,  baked apples

Breakfast: apple pie oatmeal
Lunch: taco salad or make your own pizzas
Supper: chicken alfredo, salad

Breakfast: pecan waffles, fruit salad
Lunch: leftovers
Supper: tater tot casserole

Breakfast: burritos,
Lunch:chef salads, blackberry cheese pie
Supper:homemade lunchables or leftovers,fruit

moving back home!!!

We are moving back to the home we’ve lived in for 15 years and brought all of our babies home to. 🙂  I’m so excited to decorate for Fall, bake and sew and get back into our homeschooling routine there !!! We should be back in our house in a couple of weeks. We have to give our current renters time to get everything out.

Stay tuned for updates! …..

💕 Jules

Baby Noah expected tomorrow! !!

So, this has been a crazy 38th- 9th week of pregnancy!  I’ve been to the hospital, admitted, dilated to 4 and labor stopped. What ???? Funny, it’s like dejavu? With Sophie all over again. Lol I am nervous and afraid…I admit it, labor always does that to me. However, I am leaning on Jesus and my husband for strength. Where would I be without them?

Induction scheduled for tomorrow.  Prayers are appreciated.  It’s funny how I always feel desperate for our kids to know how much I love them before a new little one comes along. Tonight, I can’t believe Sophie May is only going to be the baby for one more day. Bittersweet. 

A million things running through my mind and I am so unbelievably tired yet I can’t sleep….Praying for peace.


My Wife Has Tattoos: Marriage, New Birth, and the Gospel

Such truth. ♥


Image Photo credit: Todd Balsley

by Spencer Harmon

Today is the day of my wedding.  And I am not marrying the girl of my dreams.

If you would have told me when I was a teenager that my wife would have seven tattoos, a history in drugs, alcohol, and attending heavy metal concerts, I would have laughed at you, given you one of my courtship books, and told you to take a hike.  My plans were much different, much more nuanced with careful planning, much more clean-cut, and much more, well, about me.

You see, it wasn’t my dream to marry a girl that was complicated.  I never dreamed that I would sit on a couch with my future wife in pre-marital counseling listening to her cry and tell stories of drunken nights, listing the drugs she used, confessing mistakes made in past relationships.

This isn’t my dream – it’s better.

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Menu plan:

*chicken rolls, salad
*beans, rice, hominy, sour cream , cheese & olives
*Angel chicken over noodles, green beans, carrots
*tacos, rice and beans
*pork chops, sweet potatoes, green beans

I’ll post breakfast and lunch later!

Have a blessed week! ♥

Updates and my morning. ..

~watching Thumbelina with my girls.
~the boys are traveling with Daddy today.
~Lily’s putting makeup on me. 🙂
~We had donuts for breakfast and we’re having homemade lunchables for lunch. Easy fun foods.
~Chicken rolls for supper tonight. Recipe later.
~We did a full non-stop school day yesterday.  Today, we are resting until after lunch. Then, we’ll do a half day and park time if it doesn’t rain.
~Hubby got an iPhone yesterday.  Such a blessing but I have a feeling he’ll be distracted with it for a while. 🙂

~Looking at the flowers outside and trying to get enough energy to get up and do the dishes.  I’m not sleeping well.

~Noah is a very active baby. I pray he is
healthy and strong.  I pray he is sweet and kind. I pray I am a better mother. Everyday. Some days are just so hard.

There you go! Updates! 🙂